Good morning!
Or afternoon, or evening. Whenever you’re reading this hello! Maybe your routine is to get your reading time in before breakfast or maybe that’s how you take a break in the afternoon or you could be a person who likes to catch up before bed. I am all about routines. Routines are what keeps my days running smoothly, ensuring everything gets done. I have a morning routine, a bedtime routine, a blogging routine, a reading routine, you name it, I’ve got it. But I have one routine (how many times can I say routine?) that is far more important than any of the others.
My morning quiet routine.
Each morning, I have half an hour blocked out to sit and spend time with God. There is no better way to feel grounded and get focused then starting my day off in God’s word. Starting my day this way always serves as a compass. Showing me where to go and why I’m here: to glorify God.
First things first – coffee
When I wake up, the first thing I do is turn on the coffee maker. While the coffee is brewing, I make my bed and I grab all the things I need to dive into today’s word.
The books
The devotion I’m reading this year is Jesus Calling. I feel like nearly every devotion-reader has heard of this one. Last year, I read He Whispers Your Name which I loved. He Whispers Your Name was inspired by Jesus Calling so after finishing and loving HWYN, I knew Jesus Calling was next. I read my devotional first.
Second, I have my bibles with me. Yes, plural. I have the bible that I’ve been using since I was 16. It’s from trueIages (which has great teen bibles) This bible has all the verses highlighted that I have come across and resonated with. The second bible I use is the She Reads Truth. My mom and I are currently using the reading plans with each book to make our way through the bible. (Tip: Use this highlighter with your bible, it doesn’t bleed through)
Third, I read a “self-help” or “introspective read”. Sometimes these are books by Christian authors but not always. Books that have filled this category have been The Four Agreements, Find Your Brave, and the current one is Rising Strong by Brene Brown. To fit this time into half an hour, I just read sections instead of chapters. It takes a while to get through them but I find that I like reading them a bit slower so I can reflect on the concepts more.
Fourth, journaling. I journal all my prayers. It makes them feel more tangible to me. I also use these pages for a stream of consciousness. Anything on my mind goes on those pages. I’m such a verbal processor that this feels like a preliminary step for me. The journal in the picture is this one.
Final step
Meditation. I sit for whatever is left of my time. I usually still have my journal open, pen in hand. I close my eyes and I think on either the devotion for the day or the verses I’ve come across. I clear my mind and I make room for God’s peace to fill me or for Him to guide me. Sometimes, I’ll have a person or event pop into my mind that I maybe didn’t pray for. I fill in my journal with anything that comes up during this time.
Continuing into my morning
After I’m done with everything, I put everything back and often times play worship music as I finish getting ready. I am such a planner and such an overthinker. Taking this time out of each morning to put God first and to really quiet my mind takes me into my day calm and ready for anything.
Sometimes I’ll oversleep and not get all of these steps in. I always make sure to at least read the daily devotion. Getting even a little bit of God’s word into my morning before I start my day is so important. Being grounded in Jesus is always the way to begin.
praying for you,
What about you?
Do you have a quiet time? Even if you’re not religious, do you take a moment out of your day to ground yourself and clear your mind? Do you think it’s helpful? Let me know in the comments below!
Don’t miss out, check out last week’s post:
10 Things to Do If You’re Single on Valentine’s Day
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