This picture isn’t glamorous. I’m not all done up. I have no makeup and my hair is under a hat. I’m sweaty and my cheeks are an exercise-induced pink. And yet this is when I feel the most beautiful and the most powerful.
My friends and I went on a hike this weekend. It was one of the most difficult hikes I’ve ever done and I’ve been coming down with a cough to boot. I just kept thinking put one foot in front of the other. My friends would kindly stop and wait and even Scout kept a faithful eye on me. Truthfully, I’m not as in shape as I want to be. But I’ll tell you something else. I am so dang proud of myself.
My legs felt like they were going to give out on me. I didn’t feel strong but I felt determined. Most of the hike I was saying, “how much farther?” and “oh, this is so hard.” But my thoughts were, “this isn’t as hard as you think this is.”, “take another step”, “you can do this.” And you know what? I did. And by the time we reached the top, I felt strong and beautiful and capable.
Growing up in Colorado, being in nature has always been my favorite place to be. Plaid and hiking boots are my favorite uniform. But it was today that I realized that not only do I love nature but I love me in nature. I love who I am and how beautiful it makes me feel.
It may not be everyone’s standards for what “beautiful” looks like. Especially not here in LA. But that doesn’t matter. Because when I feel the most beautiful, I feel the happiest, and that’s good for me and for what I can put in this world. And the same is for you! Think about your favorite place. How are you in the space? Are you all dressed up? Dressed down? Are you at the beach or in church? What about when you’re helping people or when you’re wearing a certain color.
Figuring out what can make us feel beautiful is important because if we can operate out of a place of loving ourselves, we can better love others. And what’ s beautiful for other people might not be what’s for you and that’s not just okay, it’s how it’s supposed to be. We’re different for a reason. If we were all the same, nothing would change or be colorful or impactful.
So let’s hear it. When do you feel the most beautiful? And what are you going to do with it?
Although beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, the feeling of being beautiful exists solely in the mind of the beheld.
Martha Beck
Bring your beauty, love – the world needs it,